Check out these lovely photographic prints from our very own Wonkette Movie Night host ZiggyWiggy — 8x10 prints for $125 each!
Maclares Fun House has props, collectibles, gorgeousnesses! (Maclares Fun House)
Sue's son Alistair has tarot cards and purses made out of kimonos and all kinds of things! (Kitsune Boutique Gifts)
Rachel sells paper ornaments, are you even kidding me with these???? (Paper Morphology)
I love Irreverant Housewife's potholders so, so much. I have this one! Among several others! (Irreverant Housewife)
Granny Sprinkle does not have an Etsy store, but her kid has a nonprofit with a Bonfire store where you can buy abortion cups and mugs and shirts for your bosoms! (Holler Health Justice)
Jill and her husband have a glassworks shop, and there is currently only one item in it, presumably because Paul keeps buying it all up to give to Holly, his beloved! DOH PAUL! (Cheshire Glassworks)
Coastal Ink Studios has gorgeous giclees of coastlines and mountains and CATS! (Coastal Ink Studios)
Tim not only has a music farm (we all should have a music farm!), but he's made a code good for 25 percent off through Christmas. Just type in WONKETTE ! (Calico Valley Music Farm)
Joseph has bats. Oh my god they are so cute of bats. BRB gonna buy all the things with bats. (Zowghi Designs)
Alex, proprietor of the Exquisite Corpse Boutique, has fancy timepieces, rings, pendants, and cetera! (Exquisite Corpse Boutique)
Anne, the Pictrix (I see what she did there!), has paper goods with an absurd attention to detail. I am always in the market for thank you cards, I shall purchase them all. (Pictrix Design)
We Believe In DinosaursWe Believe In Dinosaurs Etsy Shop
"My friends and I wrote and recorded some sassy music for kids back when they had young children, and we named our group We Believe In Dinosaurs. You can buy our music here on CD (HAHA! CD!) along with our little paperback book that goes along with our song "Practice." Also t-shirts, many featuring the art from the book. Tie-dye dino coffee mugs, stuff like that." — Suzie Greenberg
You can also check out some of the band's songs on bandcamp — Suzie tells us "There's a song called We Wear Pants ('Cause It's The Law) that the Wonketariat may find especially delightful. It's track 12."
Alan Klug PhotographyPerhaps you might like some nice art from Wonkette operative MorganHW's photographer dad. We are told Mary Trump herself owns two of his pictures!
Vagrant AirsIf you're planning on making a digital scrapbook of your Christmas adventures or otherwise looking for some "digital playthings for artists and photographers," check out Helen Passey's Vagrant Airs shop!
Long Gone Much MissedI actually have a whole wall of pictures of people I don't know in my apartment, a tradition carried over from my mother who once put up a picture frame and left the original picture that came with it in there, in order to see if anyone noticed that the people in the picture were not actually members of our family. So I am personally quite thrilled by this collection of art from our friend OppositeOfOligarch.
And that's not all! Or, rather, not the only shop. He also has a second shop on Etsy in which he sells vintage ephemera, antiques, and curios — including a very cool looking Japanese promotional booklet for Rosemary's Baby, which I can tell you would be a great present for the Ruth Gordon fan in your life.
Moss And Lark***
This store from one of our reader's daughters features cards, art prints and more! I am especially fond of the mermaid print myself, because mermaids are awesome.
Spacepig Press***
There are lots of very hip, hilarious greeting cards, stickers, stationery, notebooks and more from Wonkette operative Christine at Spacepig Press! I actually used to buy greeting cards for a retail store many moons ago (in addition to other things, obviously) and I would have killed to find some like these back then.
The Sphynx Who Stole Christmas***
Ooh, a mystery! A cozy-adjacent mystery novel from our friend M.R. Dimond!
Cats and an ABBA tribute band? Here for it. And the first book in the series can be found here.
"Be sure to stop by my website, https://dimond.me, to enter my book giveaway for the small price of signing up for the newsletter I never write." says Dimond. "I’m even giving away a book I didn’t write."
Eco Goat Designs***
Dakini Trading Co.***
Check out this store from the friend of one of our readers — featuring some super cool handmade unicorn socks, along with lots of other handmade goodies. I may have to get some to go with my unicorn slippers.
Kate Moseman BooksIf there is anything I like, it is when vampires, witches and various other supernatural creatures have to hang out in reality (and, ideally, solve mysteries!). If that's something you are also into, you may want to check out this book series by our friend Kate Moseman!
Shop the Mothership***
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